Chapter 4: The fastest, bestest, scientifically proven secret to loose fat.

4 min readNov 27, 2023


Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash

🚪Welcome back bitches

I guess you couldn’t get enough of me or this is the first article of the series you are reading – if that’s the case go back to chapter 1. 🏃‍♀️

The secret ❔

I will let you onto the best kept diet secret in this chapter. 🤫

The fastest, bestest, scientifically proven long term way to loose fat is a sustainable lifestyle.

Well I am not here to waste your time. 🎧 Listen up.

🍃Sustainable Lifestyle.

Photo by Jan Sedivy on Unsplash

What the fuck do I mean by this ? It’s a way of eating that is tailor made for by you. Did you forget the plug and play concept we spoke about before? No? Good.

Take the food you love to eat and try to make it low calorie.

📑Let me give you an example – I fucking LOVE PASTA. I’ll show you what I did to make my favourite dish suit my calorie needs.

⚠️ (Because that green smoothie up there looks fucking disgusting, unless you love it you psychotic fuck)

Low Calorie Pasta 🍝. Bitch.

🎛️Let’s first swap out that shitty, high calorie 2$ pasta with a low calorie pasta option.

⚠️I’m sorry if the brown rice pasta doesn’t feel the same, suck it up – you’re still eating what you love. 🖕🏼

🥩Now find a low calorie meat option like chicken or lean beef. 🌶️🫚Marinate it amazing spices – Spices barely carry calories.

🍃 Add some fucking spinach and mushroom 🍄

🛢️Oil is the Fucking devil. No it’s not Unhealthy – don’t Fucking come at me. It’s just super high calorie. Always track your oil. No point tracking everything and not tracking oil bro.

🥥 Use coconut oil spray or ghee as they are lower calorie compared oil – I love oil too but let’s be smart about what we use.

🥫Add a little grocery store bought pesto or tomato (check the lowest calorie one) VIOLA. Some low calorie cheese 🧀. You’re done!

📉It’s way lower calorie than your usual but guess what, looks the same bitch.

🧠Be smart. Trick yourself using the SAME LOWER CALORIE ALTERNATIVE.

You don’t have to graze on lettuce for every meal. 🥬

Photo taken by me bitches, this is the actual pasta and it looks Fucking AMAZING. I can drop the actual recipe if you’d like

It’s a Wrap 🌯

That’s how You create sustainable diet.

  • 📝List your favourite foods, just go to the grocery store. Spend time in the store reading the labels and understanding which brands are better.
  • 🦵🏽 You need to do a little leg work. Don’t fucking rush. Spend like an hour or two analysing the products.
  • 😴Don’t be fucking lazy here. Setting a solid ground work, understanding which brands are low calorie AND taste good – unlike those fucking disgusting nature valley bars. They taste like ass bro. 🍫
  • 🛍️Knowing the brands allow you to shop faster next time. Make sure you write your recipes and know how much of ingredients you’re using all the time. 🥙
  • 🍀 Awareness is FUCKING EVERYTHING. You can’t put 10,000g of low calorie pasta 🍝 it’s not fucking low calorie anymore.
  • 🧮 Record everything and make sure to fit your favourite things in your calorie deficit.

🍱 Brand Recommendations

I’ll give you some brands and food stuff that allowed me to loose a fuck ton of fat 📼


  • Country Split Bread (110 cals for 2 slices)
  • PB2 power peanut butter
  • Steegles chicken tender breasted (191 for 2)
  • M&M choclate – brown packet (116 for 25g)
  • Peter’s no sugar ice cream (55 cals for 50g)

If you like these recommendations – just comment below I’ll give you more!

🇦🇺 I stay in Australia so I will give these brands.

That’s all bitches. Love you, XOXO ❤️

Slow and steady wins the Fucking race. (Fuck those green smoothies – disgusting fucking drinks )

Author’s note: I woke up super late today and missed gym. Now I have to go during 5 PM rush hour which I Fucking hate.




📍Real, honest Fucking advice on Self-Improvement- take it or leave it.