Chapter 1: Fitness World = Garbage. Here’s why.

2 min readNov 24, 2023


Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

95% of the “coaching population” generally spew the same fucking garbage all the time. They tell you to “work hard”, call you lazy, make those fucking dumb trends – 75 day hard challenge. Now what the actual “alpha” bull shit is that?

My whole fucking existence here revolves around brutal Fucking honesty, so buckle up.

This is all BULLSHIT.

Every individual is different.“I am so unique and special” garbage but it’s true. You are.

When it comes to fitness, your height and weight will be different compared to 6”2 tall motherfucker with god given genes. So yeah, your fucking fitness plan is bound to be different. Everybody feeds into the plug and play concept with fitness but that does NOT WORK if you don’t understand what you can and cannot plug and play.

It doesn’t work that way. You need to fucking sit down and stop taking dumb short cuts in your life – this isn’t like brushing your teeth in the shower so you can save an extra couple minutes.

Your height, weight, gender, activity all affect the amount of calories you need. So no.

You can’t randomly fucking workout out like Chloe ting or Fucking Eubanks and think you’ll look like them if you do their 5 min ab workout or a 60 min push session with 100 sets of volume.

You can’t Fucking eat 1200 calories when trying to cut because Chloe does it or eat 15,000 calories because fucking Sam sulek does it. Use the right side of your fucking brain, sit the fuck down and do the bloody math.

You’re not the same people. The biggest aspect of AESTHETICS is the way you look. The way you look is controlled primarily through nutrition.

Nutrition can’t and will never be PLUG AND PLAY.

Your calorie consumption is a unique value that is dependent on the following variables (I studied Fucking engineering so I am good at my math):

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Weight
  • Height
  • Activity levels

Use a fucking tracker – you’re not a bloody genie. No that cookie is not just 50 calories and a bowl of rice is not Fucking 500 calories. Stop assuming shit and start doing it right.

You will start seeing results if you can respect the fact that weight loss, muscle gain and aStHeTiCs is and will always be heavily dependent on your nutrition.

See you for the next chapter, bitch.

I know I am being a bit harsh, but apparently that’s the only fucking thing that works these days.




📍Real, honest Fucking advice on Self-Improvement- take it or leave it.